Top 10 cele mai rapide teme WordPress pentru 2019

If your website design speed is optimized, you make it easy for your visitors to interact with you and get information seamlessly. Many factors affect your website speed including the WordPress theme. Although there are many WordPress themes, very few are optimized for speed. This article shares 10 of the fastest WordPress themes for 2019 […]

Actualizarea site-ului web: ce ar trebui să luați în considerare?

It is not enough to design and launch a website, no. It is also beneficial to upgrade it when necessary to allow your users to have a better experience. But what should you consider when updating your site? Should you just focus on how nice and techy it should look? What exactly influences a successful […]

Imagini în postările dvs. pe blog: cele mai bune practici

The main purpose of using images in your blog is to increase its appeal and boost the number of times it is viewed. Research on the Skyword content marketing platform suggests an average increase in blog views of 94% when a post includes images. Furthermore, the research also indicates that some types of content, such […]

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