6 moduri de a utiliza marketingul de recomandare pentru a direcționa traficul către campania dvs.

Referral marketing (also known as affiliate or influencer marketing) is a sales and marketing strategy where a creator encourages their backers, media partners and brand advocates to refer their network to their crowdfunding campaign in exchange for a reward when that referral leads to a pledge. It’s one of the most cost-effective ways to promote […]

Crowdfunding refers to funding a project or a business venture by a large number of people each contributing small amounts of money normally done online, It’s a form of crowd sourcing and another finance option. In 2015, over $34 billion was raised by crowdfunding worldwide. People who participate in crowdfunding contribute money to projects and […]

Some years back, hospitals used to be big buildings full of patients. Doctors used to visit patients in the morning and in the evening while nurses used to keep around 24/7 and the medicine used was reactive. Specialists used to work in many hospitals and they only showed up whenever there was a surgery, and […]

Construction companies face a lot of challenges because of the stiff competition in the industry, and therefore they have to work extra hard to outshine their competitors. Building your brand means you’re promising something new for your customers. To outstand the crowd, you have to do more than just constructing good buildings, and that is […]
5 moduri de a consolida marca

Branding is a critical aspect for any business, especially if it’s operating online. A good web design agency helps to combine various aspects of a business under one roof so that the logo of that company is associated with a certain experience and quality by customers or clients. Through a distinctive brand, you can turn […]
Cum să vă faceți site-ul web interactiv pentru utilizatori

Whether you are associated with a retail company or digital advertising platform, being aware of the skills that drive readers to your site is one major marketing skill vital for a business’ success. Even though all websites are different and unique in their own ways, it becomes really difficult to pinpoint features, which can either […]
50 de cele mai bune ghiduri de identitate de marcă inspirație

The number one priority that a branding agency should focus on when it comes to building a brand is consistency. Just like you are in a grocery store, you don’t want to struggle to find your favorite coffee brand; you should be able to spot it from a mile away. What makes best brands unforgettable […]
Factori de luat în considerare atunci când proiectați o copertă de carte

Have you just finished writing your book and you are looking for book cover ideas. There are various ways to make your book cover attractive to your readers. Here are a few factors to consider when seeking services from a design agency to design your book cover. If you are reading this, it’s either you […]
Top 7 designeri grafici celebri

Graphic design is an art that everyone appreciates because it applies to our daily lives. Design trends change as designers try to find inspiration from other professional designers who have been in the game for long. To celebrate the rich and diverse graphic designs that have always wowed us, we have compiled a list of […]
12 Citate de inspirație pentru design grafic

The graphic design sector has seen significant growth since immemorial, with great designers redefining what design is in their own perspectives. The beauty of good graphic designing is that no one is always wrong; we are all learners. So, when searching for inspiration as a design agency, who do you look up to or where […]
Modul în care AI și ML schimbă fața industriei QA

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have made deeper inroads in several business verticals. As the technology is becoming mature, it is now also used for more business-critical scenarios where it can enhance efficiency, reduce human errors, decrease costs, and predict information and cases to benefit businesses in the future. As a result, QA […]
10 motive pentru a vă simplifica logo

“Less Is More” is particularly applicable when it comes to logo design choices. It took Apple approximately 22 years to develop the simple, iconic logo you know and like today. Now tech companies from Google to Netflix are racing to create flat, sleek logos that are still instantly recognizable. Here are some basic pointers to explore simplifying an […]
5 tendințe de design grafic 2021

Visualising your data or content is an important part of any strategy. Brands turn to graphic designers for presenting their brand in an effective and appealing manner. However, with a lot of changes constantly taking place in the digital world, designing trends have also changed over the years and are constantly evolving with the audience’s […]
Tendințele de design UI în 2020

The quick growth of technology influences design trends year by year. As designers, company leaders or social media users we need be aware of the existing and upcoming design trends, constantly learning, developing and expanding our design toolkit in order to be up to date on the current market. Let’s have a look some of […]
Cum să faci o postare vizuală pentru rețelele sociale folosind Powerpoint

In a world of about seven and a half billion people, almost three billion of us are active on social media. Those numbers alone make it clear why social media demands a never-ending stream of content. But it’s more than that. The type of content influences the engagement of the audience. In the world of […]
Care font este noul negru?

Typography trends in 2020 In the universe of web design we have been experiencing a very long procedure of incorporating font type effects in sites, which previously was technically impossible, or at least could only be supported by a few browsers. Fortunately this situation has changed in the last couple years and we are now […]
Statistici cheie pe internet de cunoscut în 2020 (inclusiv mobil)

Each year the internet grows and 2020 will be no different. From social media to video consumption, search terms, and ecommerce, you can do just about anything online. With this post, we’ve compiled the most relevant 2020 internet statistics to serve as a reference for information, projects, blog posts, and more, about all of those […]
Cum a schimbat WordPress Internetul – 17 fapte despre WordPress

On the outside, each website we visit on the internet looks different. Sure, they all share some similarities, but each one is unique. However, underneath it all, most of the websites we use on a daily basis have one thing in common: WordPress. If you’re not a blogger or web developer, it’s quite possible you’ve […]
Qubed Recunoscută ca firma de publicitate și marketing de top în România de către Clutch!

We believe in working closely with our clients and operating with a “user-first” ideology. We provide support in branding, logo design, web design, graphic design, and crowdfunding. Focusing on usage-based decisions rather than purchase-based decisions. We focus on showcasing how people would use your product and customer-to-customer interactions rather than how much people should impulse […]
Top 10 cele mai rapide teme WordPress pentru 2019

If your website design speed is optimized, you make it easy for your visitors to interact with you and get information seamlessly. Many factors affect your website speed including the WordPress theme. Although there are many WordPress themes, very few are optimized for speed. This article shares 10 of the fastest WordPress themes for 2019 […]
7 factori de luat în considerare atunci când alegeți o agenție de web design

I have studied the internet for sometimes and realized the market is very competitive. Many website hardly succeed due to poor web development strategies. To succeed, you need a partner that understands your business goals, target audience and, equipped with the relevant resource to accomplish your vision. In simple terms, an agency that delivers. Since […]
Proiectare web și credibilitate: Cum puteți crea încredere în site-ul dvs. web?

In an online world where credibility is an invaluable factor, web owners should do their best to incorporate these it into their site designs. Without it, it is difficult to operate in an online environment all types of crooks and quacks have infiltrated. Therefore, it is necessary for website owners to integrate trust into their […]
Actualizarea site-ului web: ce ar trebui să luați în considerare?

It is not enough to design and launch a website, no. It is also beneficial to upgrade it when necessary to allow your users to have a better experience. But what should you consider when updating your site? Should you just focus on how nice and techy it should look? What exactly influences a successful […]
Atribute cheie de design web pe care site-ul dvs. web trebuie să le aibă în 2019

Are you considering building a website, but don’t quite know what to which details need your attention? You’re certainly not the first! There are so many things that we need to worry about that slip all of our minds occasionally. For that reason, it’s useful to think about the attributes and aspects that we really […]
Profesioniști sau faceți-l singur

Professionals or DIY: What Fits Your Custom Web Design Best? Many users are opting for self-made options to design customized websites due to the numerous DIY web design tools available on the market. However, not every level or type of website you need can fit into the DIY bracket. I am not saying that you […]
7 lucruri pe care trebuie să le luați în considerare înainte de reproiecta site-ului dvs.

It’s human nature to seek a change when things are not going according to plan or when they are not performing well. This type of thinking is in our DNA, and it’s normal human behavior. However, when this behavior is interpreted in website redesign, it can be risky if there is no plan in place. […]
7 cele mai proaste rebranduri: logo-urile greșite

Check out the 7 worst rebrands of all time. Looking to improve your business logo and identity design? Don’t make those mistakes! 7 Rebranding Disasters Pepsi CapitalOne Gap Xerox PizzaHut Yahoo JCPenny History has seen many famous companies rebrand themselves and fail. Some fail miserably. This usually happens because the rebranding process was not done […]
5 tipuri diferite de logo-uri

There are many different types of logos – a logo might be just a name set in a chosen typeface or a mark or both. What are the different types of logos? A logo can take form of almost infinite variety of shapes and personalities – from literal through symbolic, from word-driven to image-driven. They’re […]
10 cele mai grave greșeli de marcat de evitat

I see it time and time again – many startups make branding mistakes in early stage and sabotage their growth. Even established companies with bigger budget have made disastrous rebranding failures that cost them a lot. Many entrepreneurs don’t quite realize the real potential of having a good branding and therefore make a lot of […]
Gafe obișnuite de evitat în proiectarea logo-ului dvs.

Whether designing your logo for inline or offline customers, remember that this little portrait is a significant player in the enhancement of your corporate image. By creating a good logo, you create a distinctive identity for your business in the eyes of all its stakeholders. Ideally, a great logo design should be unique and original […]
Imagini în postările dvs. pe blog: cele mai bune practici

The main purpose of using images in your blog is to increase its appeal and boost the number of times it is viewed. Research on the Skyword content marketing platform suggests an average increase in blog views of 94% when a post includes images. Furthermore, the research also indicates that some types of content, such […]
Peste 40 de site-uri uimitoare de fotografii gratuite

40+ websites to find awesome free stock photos There are a ton of resources here for free stock photos, but I probably only use about a dozen of them. They serve my needs just fine. But I’ll let you decide which one of these free stock photo sites is best for you. Pixabay.com Pikwizard Pexels.com […]
Motive convingătoare pentru a utiliza finanțarea participativă la lansarea produselor dvs.

Crowdfunding is a proven model that works for all levels of companies seeking to launch their products. Whether you are a startup or an established company, you can take advantage of this model to strike gold in your next launch. If you want to learn more about the potential of this model, then I welcome […]
Avantajele angajării unui designer grafic profesionist sau unei agenții creative

Many of us don’t realize and appreciate the value of having a professional do design their website’s graphics. We assume that just because you have good information to put on the web alongside a coding professional, then design is secondary. However, the truth can only be the opposite. The reason is that we are all […]
Dezvăluirea pericolelor ascunse ale utilizării unui generator de site-uri web gratuit

With many website creation tools doing rounds on the Internet, the temptation to skip a professional website builder becomes stronger. Some users assume that these builders are the best tools since they are free and easy to use. However, most of these users never sit back to analyze the long-term effects of using them. If […]